Collection of notes, opinions, links, research, code, patches, videos, and other ⑨ stuff.
Recent postings, articles, and opinions:
- Holocaust ≫Meltdown≪ à la Christian Ortner in ≫Die Presse≪…(PalSoli)
- »Swift Terror—How the Intelligence and Political establishment exploited an Islamic Terror Hoax«…(PalSoli)
- Die Ideologie der Feindbildpolitik gegen die Liste Gaza …(PalSoli)
- Hamas and Yahya Al-Sinwar—Penetrating the Terror Narrative…
- ≫Hysterische Psychosen≪ und die JÖH…(PalSoli)
- Israel’s argument of self-defence in Lebanon is cynical at best!…(Z)
- GAZA is on the Ballot in Austria—literally!…(Z)
- Islamic Terror - Austria and Germany’s Favourite Spectre…(PalSoli)
- Speech at the “Rally for Peace in Palestine” on June 01. 2024 at Vienna (Austria)…(Z)
- Speech at the “Rally for Peace in Palestine” on May 24. 2024 at Linz (Austria)…(Z)
- Welcome to the Austrian Military Industrial Complex. A critique of Austria’s militarisation and its overtures towards NATO…(AIK)
- Austria Is Invoking the Nazis to Legitimize Mass Death in Gaza…(Z|Diem25)
- They are all Antisemites!? German article criticising the recent weaponisation of Antisemitism across the spectrum in German-speaking countries…(AIK)
- 9front: tlssrv(8) with Server Name Indication (SNI) support. One IP address to serve them (i.e. SSL certificates) all…
- I Am You. A poem by prominent Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer - murdered by Israeli invaders…
- Atrocity Propaganda and Nefarious Bloodbaths. Uncovering Israel’s atrocity propaganda employed to justify its brutal assault on Gaza…(Z)
- Deconstructing Hasbara about the Israel/Palestine Conflict. An experiment in side-stepping hypocrisy in Israeli propaganda…(Z)
- Who is afraid of Solidarity? Critique of the silencing of Palestine solidarity events…
- Listen to the other side! Voices from and for Palestine…
- Manufacturing Hasbara - Cataclysm in Gaza. Critique of Israel’s propaganda apparatus…(Z)
- …